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United States Colored Troops 5th Infantry, Company G (Union)


Organized - United States Colored Troops 5th Infantry, Company G - United States Colored Troops


Battle - New Market Heights - New Market Heights, Virginia

Thumbnail for New Market Heights
New Market Heights

In September 1864, in order to draw Gen. Robert E. Lee's attention from a movement against the Southside Railroad west of Petersburg, Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant ordered a diversionary attack against the Confederate fortifications around Richmond. During the night of September 28-29, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Butler's Army of the James crossed the James River to assault the Richmond defenses.  Butler's objective was the south end of the Confederate line anchored on the north bank of the James in an open are…READ MORE


Mustered Out - United States Colored Troops 5th Infantry, Company G - United States Colored Troops

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