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Alabama 27th Infantry (Confederate)


Organized - Alabama 27th Infantry - Alabama


Battle - Fort Donelson - Fort Donelson, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Fort Donelson
Fort Donelson

Early in the war, Union commanders realized control of the major rivers would be the key to success in the Western Theater.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel J. Jackson

ColonelJ. Jackson


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Abraham Buford

Brigadier GeneralAbraham Buford


Leadership Change - Division - Major General William W. Loring

Major GeneralWilliam W. Loring


Battle - Champion Hill - Hinds County, Mississippi

Thumbnail for Champion Hill
Champion Hill

The Battle of Champion Hill was the largest and bloodiest action of Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign.READ MORE


Battle - Chickamauga - Catoosa County, Georgia; Walker County, Georgia

Thumbnail for Chickamauga

After the successful Tullahoma Campaign, Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans continued the Union offensive, aiming to force Gen. Braxton Bragg's Confederate army out of Chattanooga. Through a series of skillful marches towards the Confederate-held city, Rosecrans forced Bragg out of Chattanooga and into Georgia. Determined to reoccupy the city, Bragg followed the Federals north, brushing with Rosecrans' army at Davis' Cross Roads. While they marched on September 18th, his cavalry and infantry skirmished with Un…READ MORE


Battle - Franklin (1864) - Franklin, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Franklin (1864)
Franklin (1864)

After allowing Maj. Gen. John Schofield's Army of the Ohio to pass him near Spring Hill, Tennessee, the previous morning, Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood led his 30,000-man Army of Tennessee to the outskirts of Franklin on November 30th. Schofield's army had constructed a strong defensive line south of the town. Hood took a position two miles south of Schofield, with open, rolling farm land between them, and prepared to attack. At 4:00 p.m., over 20,000 Confederates moved forward east and west of the Columbia Pike…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Alabama 27th Infantry - Alabama

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