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Tennessee 60th Infantry (Confederate)


Organized - Tennessee 60th Infantry - Tennessee


Battle - Chickasaw Bayou - Warren County, Mississippi


Battle - Big Black River Bridge - Hinds County, Mississippi

Thumbnail for Big Black River Bridge
Big Black River Bridge

Reeling from their defeat at Champion Hill and heading west toward Vicksburg, the Confederates reached Big Black River Bridge, the night of May 16-17th. Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton ordered Brig. Gen. John S. Bowen, with three brigades, to man the fortifications on the east bank of the river and impede any Union pursuit. Three divisions of Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand's Thirteenth Corps moved out from Edwards Station on the morning of the 17th. They encountered the Confederates behind breastworks and took co…READ MORE


Battle - Vicksburg - Vicksburg, Mississippi

Thumbnail for Vicksburg

In mid-May, 1863, after six months of unsuccessful attempts, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee finally converged on Vicksburg, defended by a Confederate army under Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton. Capture of the Mississippi River town was critical to Union control of the strategic river. Vicksburg was located on a high river bluff defended with artillery, and Pemberton's men had constructed a series of fortifications in an 8-mile arc surrounding the city on the landward side. After crossing the…READ MORE


Battle - Piedmont - Augusta County, Virginia


Mustered Out - Tennessee 60th Infantry - Tennessee

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