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Tennessee 46th Infantry (Confederate)


Organized - Tennessee 46th Infantry - Tennessee


Battle - Island Number Ten - New Madrid, Missouri; Lake County, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Island Number Ten
Island Number Ten

In addition to prosecuting the coastal blockade and pursuing Confederate commerce raiders, the U.S. Navy's other main role in the Civil War, and arguably its most important one, was seizing and controlling the Mississippi River and its tributaries. In this effort, the main obstacle was not the tiny Confederate navy, but rather the formidable shore fortifications erected by the Confederates along the banks of the Tennessee, Cumberland and Mississippi Rivers. This war, therefore, was less often a matter of s…READ MORE


Battle - Perryville - Perryville, Kentucky

Thumbnail for Perryville

On October 7, 1862, Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio, in pursuit of Gen Braxton Bragg's Army of Mississippi, approached the crossroads town of Perryville, Kentucky. Union forces skirmished with Confederates on the Springfield Pike before heavy fighting began on Peters Hill. The next day, fighting continued as a Union division advanced up the pike. After noon, a Confederate division struck the Union left flank and forced it to fall back. When more Confederates joined the fray, the Union line ma…READ MORE


Battle - Ezra Church - Fulton County, Georgia

Thumbnail for Ezra Church
Ezra Church

After his July 22, 1864 victory at the Battle of Atlanta, with the Georgia Railroad cut, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman turned his attention to the Macon & Western and Atlanta & West Point Railroads, running southwest from the city. Prior to moving, Sherman adjusted his armies: Maj. Gen. John Schofield's Army of the Ohio would hold the east edge of the city, while Maj. Gen. George Thomas' Army of the Cumberland took up position to the north. Spearheading the movement to the southwest toward the Macon…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Major Sylvester C. Cooper


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General George D. Johnston, and Brigadier General William A. Quarles

Brigadier GeneralGeorge D. Johnston

Brigadier GeneralWilliam A. Quarles


Leadership Change - Regiment - Major Sylvester C. Cooper


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General William A. Quarles

Brigadier GeneralWilliam A. Quarles


Battle - Franklin (1864) - Franklin, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Franklin (1864)
Franklin (1864)

After allowing Maj. Gen. John Schofield's Army of the Ohio to pass him near Spring Hill, Tennessee, the previous morning, Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood led his 30,000-man Army of Tennessee to the outskirts of Franklin on November 30th. Schofield's army had constructed a strong defensive line south of the town. Hood took a position two miles south of Schofield, with open, rolling farm land between them, and prepared to attack. At 4:00 p.m., over 20,000 Confederates moved forward east and west of the Columbia Pike…READ MORE


Battle - Nashville - Nashville, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Nashville

Despite a series of defeats in the closing days of November, 1864, Confederate Lieut. Gen. John Bell Hood continued to drag his bloodied Army of Tennessee, approximately 30,000 strong, north towards Nashville. The city was protected by 55,000 Union soldiers, which should have precluded further offensive operations, but Hood was determined and his situation was dire. Hood reached Nashville on December 2nd and staked out a position south of the city, hoping to draw the Union forces into a costly attack. Ulys…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Tennessee 46th Infantry - Tennessee

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