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Ohio 95th Volunteer Infantry (Union)


Organized - Ohio 95th Volunteer Infantry - Ohio


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel William Linn McMillen


Battle - Richmond, Kentucky - Madison County, Kentucky

Richmond, Kentucky
Richmond, Kentucky

In Maj. Gen. Kirby Smith's 1862 Confederate offensive into Kentucky, Brig. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne led the advance with Col. John S. Scott's cavalry out in front. The Rebel cavalry, while moving north from Big Hill on the road to Richmond, Kentucky, encountered Union troopers on August 29th and began skirmishing. After noon, Union artillery and infantry joined the fray, forcing the Confederate cavalry to retreat to Big Hill. At that time, Brig. Gen. Mahlon D. Manson, who commanded Union forces in the area…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel William L. McMillen, and Lieutenant Colonel Jefferson Brumback

ColonelWilliam L. McMillen

Lieutenant ColonelJefferson Brumback


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Ralph P. Buckland, and Colonel William L. McMillen

Brigadier GeneralRalph P. Buckland

ColonelWilliam L. McMillen


Battle - Vicksburg - Vicksburg, Mississippi


In mid-May, 1863, after six months of unsuccessful attempts, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Army of the Tennessee finally converged on Vicksburg, defended by a Confederate army under Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton. Capture of the Mississippi River town was critical to Union control of the strategic river. Vicksburg was located on a high river bluff defended with artillery, and Pemberton's men had constructed a series of fortifications in an 8-mile arc surrounding the city on the landward side. After crossing the…READ MORE


Battle - Brice's Crossroads - Baldwyn, Mississippi

Brice's Crossroads
Brice's Crossroads

In late May 1864, Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest set out from Mississippi with his cavalry corps to enter Tennessee and destroy the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, which was carrying men and supplies from Nashville to support Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's campaign against Atlanta. Sherman, who suspected the Confederate cavalry leader would cause havoc behind his lines, ordered Brig. Gen. Samuel Sturgis to move from Memphis to counter Forrest and to control northern Mississippi. Sturgis's first ob…READ MORE


Battle - Tupelo - Tupelo, Mississippi


Union Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Smith, commanding the Sixteenth Corps with more than 14,000 men, left LaGrange, Tennessee on July 5, 1864, and advanced south. Smith's mission was to insure that Maj. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest and his cavalry did not raid Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's railroad supply line in middle Tennessee supporting the campaign against Atlanta. Laying waste to the countryside as he advanced, Smith reached Pontotoc, Mississippi, on July 11th. Forrest was in nearby Okolona with about 6,000 men, bu…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Colonel Jefferson Brumback

Lieutenant ColonelJefferson Brumback


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel William L. McMillen


Battle - Nashville - Nashville, Tennessee


Despite a series of defeats in the closing days of November, 1864, Confederate Lieut. Gen. John Bell Hood continued to drag his bloodied Army of Tennessee, approximately 30,000 strong, north towards Nashville. The city was protected by 55,000 Union soldiers, which should have precluded further offensive operations, but Hood was determined and his situation was dire. Hood reached Nashville on December 2nd and staked out a position south of the city, hoping to draw the Union forces into a costly attack. Ulys…READ MORE


Battle - Spanish Fort - Baldwin, Alabama


Battle - Fort Blakeley - Baldwin County, Alabama

Fort Blakeley
Fort Blakeley

Although the harbor of Mobile Bay had been closed to blockade running traffic since mid-summer 1864 with Admiral David G. Farragut's victory there, the port city of Mobile still remained in Confederate control. In late March 1865, two Federal infantry columns converged on the defenses of the city at Fort Blakeley and Spanish Fort. One force of 13,000 Union soldiers commanded by Gen. Frederick Steele moved west from Pensacola with orders to take Blakely from the rear. Union Gen. Edward R.S. Canby's Sixteent…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Ohio 95th Volunteer Infantry - Ohio

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