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The Bielski Partisans

Poland's Resistance Against the Nazis'

Hans Frank

Story date: 23 May 1900 – 16 October 1946

Added by: bgill

Tuvia Bielski

Then Came Operation Barbarossa

A Look Through Belski's Camp

Living Conditions

Health Problems in Belski's Camp

The Children in the Camp

Waiting for the Liberation

Idel Kagan "Jack"

Joe Cameron

Jeff Gradow

Story date: 1925

Added by: bgill

Semyon Menyuk

Story date: 1922

Added by: bgill

Norman Salsitz

Story date: May 6, 1920

Added by: bgill

Miles Lerman

Story date: 1920~ January, 2008

Added by: bgill

Sam Lato

Story date: February 24th, 1925

Added by: bgill

Anne Monka

Story date: 1931

Added by: bgill

Miriam Brysk nee Miasnik

Story date: 1935

Added by: bgill

Tamara Katz

Story date: Feb. 10, 1914 ~ December 3, 2004

Added by: bgill

Keep Retelling the Story

Nowogródek Ghetto

Leah Johnson

Itzke Reznik

Michael Lebowitz

Story date: Oct. 4, 2007

Added by: bgill

Moshe Reznik

Jack Chevlin

Meyer Bronicki

Hitler Convinces People to Search

Story date: 1942

Added by: bgill

Yoseph, & Itke Ass (Ash)

Story date: July 17, 1924

Added by: bgill

Postwar Portrait of the Ass Family

Lola Kline

Sharon Rennert

Tanchum Bojarski's Story

Story date: June 30, 2006

Added by: bgill

The Real 'Defiance' Family is From Brooklyn

Family Speak

Jewish Revenge

The Jewish Hero

Commander Shmatovich

Memories by Reyzl Volkin

Jewish Partisan Intelligence by Moshe Reznick

Jewish Bravery by Yehoshua Yofe

The Partisans Avoid Slaughter by Yehoshua Yaffe

People of Novogrudok After Liberation by Yehoshua Yaffe

Novogrudok Partisans who Fell in Action

Story date: 17 of December 1943

Added by: bgill

Such Were the Jewish Partisans by Y. Yaffe

Such Were the Jewish Partisans by Y. Yaffe~Cont.

My Brother Meir by Yaakov Rudnicki

How Does Novogrudok Look Now?

The Conclusion

Sulia Volozhinski (Rubin)

Story date: 1944

Added by: bgill

Willie Moll

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Y. Eric Bell

Konstantin Koslovsky~Operation Barbarossa

Story date: June 22, 1941

Added by: bgill