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Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Thumbnail for Buchenwald1.jpgAdded by: ClioPrisoners during a roll call at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Their uniforms bear classifying triangular badges and identification numbers. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938-1941. — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Thumbnail for Congressinpects.jpgAdded by: ClioCongressinpects.jpg
Thumbnail for Buchenwald6.jpgAdded by: ClioAmerican soldiers and liberated prisoners at the main entrance of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, May 1945. — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Thumbnail for Buchenwald7.jpgAdded by: ClioThe valuables displayed here were confiscated from prisoners by German guards at the Buchenwald concentration camp and later found by American forces after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 1945. — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Thumbnail for Buchenwald8.jpgAdded by: ClioBuchenwald8.jpgSoon after liberation, camp survivors from Buchenwald's "Children's Block 66"--a special barracks for children. Germany, after April 11, 1945. — Federation Nationale des Deportes et Internes Resistants et Patriots
Thumbnail for Buchenwald_Slave_Laborers_Liberation.jpgAdded by: ClioBuchenwald_Slave_Laborers_Liberation.jpg
Thumbnail for Buchenwald_survivor.jpgAdded by: ClioBuchenwald_survivor.jpg
Thumbnail for Buchenwaldcrem.jpgAdded by: ClioCrematorium at Buchenwald
Thumbnail for Buchenwald5.jpgAdded by: ClioRoll call for newly arrived prisoners, mostly Jews arrested during Kristallnacht (the "Night of Broken Glass"), at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Buchenwald, Germany, 1938. — American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Thumbnail for Buchenwald3.jpgAdded by: ClioView of a guard tower and fence at the Buchenwald concentration camp. Germany, wartime. — American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Thumbnail for Buchenwald2.jpgAdded by: ClioA view of the Buchenwald concentration camp after the liberation of the camp. Buchenwald, Germany, after April 11, 1945. — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum