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Russell Bradford Graham

Russell B GrahamAdded by: glennraygraham013Russell B Graham
PARATRP01.jpgAdded by: deloy762Russell with his parachute on.
SGTGRAM02.jpgAdded by: deloy762Tech Sergeant Graham
YoIsMyIdeal_003.jpgAdded by: deloy762The crew of Yo Is My Ideal, a B-17 on which Russell was the tail machine gunner. He is in the back row, second from the photo's left.
CaterpillarClubMembership.jpgAdded by: deloy762Russell was a member of the Caterpillar Club because he made an emergency parachute jump from the B-17 Yo Is My Ideal on February 26, 1945.
YoIsMyIdeal_Plaque.jpgAdded by: deloy762Navigator J. Glasser arranged for this plaque to be made and displayed at Rougham, England, in the 94th Bombardment Group Museum.
ParachuteGown.jpgAdded by: deloy762A great-grandchild of Russell's in a gown made by Russell's mother from part of the parachute that saved his life.
RussellGoesForRide_2004-07-05.JPGAdded by: deloy762Russell Goes for a ride years later.
GreatGrandchildLooksOn1.jpgAdded by: deloy762Great Grandchild watches military honors.
GreatGrandchildLooksOn2.jpgAdded by: deloy762Great Grandchild watches military honors.
FayeReceivesFlag.jpgAdded by: deloy762Faye receives flag.
EldestSonLooksAtGravestone.jpgAdded by: deloy762Eldest son looks at gravestone in Willamette National Cemetery.
A Formation Of Boeing B-17S Drop Their Explosive Loads On The White Plume Of A Smoke Marker Dropped By A Mickey Lead Plane To Indicate The Location Of A Target Totally Obscured From Sight By Heavy Leayers Of Clouds. - Page 11A Formation Of Boeing B-17S Drop Their Explosive Loads On The White Plume Of A Smoke Marker Dropped By A Mickey Lead Plane To Indicate The Location Of A Target Totally Obscured From Sight By Heavy Leayers Of Clouds. - Page 11
Twin Formations-Two formations of Flying Fortresses, one barely distinguishable by the vapor trails in its wake, head deep into Germany on 8 April where they hit Luftwaffe assembly plants and airbases. 94th Bomb Group. - Page 1Twin Formations-Two formations of Flying Fortresses, one barely distinguishable by the vapor trails in its wake, head deep into Germany on 8 April where they hit Luftwaffe assembly plants and airbases. 94th Bomb Group. - Page 1
Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 11.40.51 AM.pngAdded by: jenny_ashcraft
Graham, Russell Bradford - Page 1Graham, Russell Bradford - Page 1
Graham, Russell Bradford - Page 2Graham, Russell Bradford - Page 2
Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 1.23.57 PM.pngAdded by: jenny_ashcraft410th Bombardment Squardron emblem
WillametteNationalCemeteryGraveSiteAdded by: deloy762Willamette National Cemetery Grave Site