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Dale W Ross

World War II · US Army · Private First Class

Rank: Private First Class
United States of America
Dale saluting copy.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIPfc. Dale W. Ross. Photo courtesy of Ross Family
Ross, Dale Warren - Page 1Ross, Dale Warren - Page 1
Ross, Dale Warren - Page 2Ross, Dale Warren - Page 2
Medford_Mail_Tribune_Tue__Apr_6__1943_.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIMedford_Mail_Tribune_Tue__Apr_6__1943_.jpg
MIA Telegram.jpegAdded by: DEspositoWWIIWar Department telegram announcing Pfc. Ross is missing in action. Image courtesy of the US National Archives
Ross, Dale WRoss, Dale W
Medford_Mail_Tribune_Thu__Feb_21__1946_ copy.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIMedford_Mail_Tribune_Thu__Feb_21__1946_ copy.jpg
IMG_6888 copy.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIRubbing of dog tag and penny charm given to me on Guadalcanal on June 9, 2017
IMG_3663.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIHill 27, Mt. Austen/The Gifu, Guadalcanal. Pfc. Ross's remains were found on the far side of the hill in the jungle.
IMG_3503.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIDog tags and penny charm given to Pfc. Ross's family on Guadalcanal, 2017
Remains Transfer copy.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIRemains of Pfc. Ross leave the former Henderson Field on Guadalcanal in a US Coast Guard C-130, August 8, 2017
IMG_7128.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIBurial of Pfc. Dale Ross, Sept. 7, 2019
IMG_7176.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIBurial of Pfc. Dale Ross, Sept. 7, 2019
IMG_7179.jpgAdded by: DEspositoWWIIBurial of Pfc. Dale Ross, Sept. 7, 2019
DWR Grave.jpegAdded by: DEspositoWWII Photo by Pam S.
Ross, Dale WSame Person