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Eliot T Asinof

World War II · US Army

United States of America
WWII US Victory Medal.JPGAdded by: bruceyrock632WWII US Victory Medal.JPG
cv U.S. infantry.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632cv U.S. infantry.jpg
Asinof.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Asinof.jpg
51H7EBBN6ZL._SX301_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock63251H7EBBN6ZL._SX301_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
eightmenout_mag.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632eightmenout_mag.jpg
eliot_asinof_01.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632eliot_asinof_01.jpg
Map of Five NYC boroughs.gifAdded by: bruceyrock632Map of Five NYC boroughs.gif
Honoring Veterans.gifAdded by: bruceyrock632Honoring Veterans.gif
New York1.gifAdded by: bruceyrock632New York1.gif
Eliot-Asinof.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Eliot-Asinof.jpg