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Shelby F Vaughn

World War II · US Army

United States of America
Letter explaining crash - redacted.JPGAdded by: pw96Letter explaining crash - redacted.JPG
Vaughn - gravesite.jpgAdded by: pw96Vaughn - gravesite.jpg
Earle - Six airmen die.JPGAdded by: pw96Six airmen die.JPG
Six Die - Lubbock newspaper.JPGAdded by: pw96Lubbock newspaper.JPG
Earle - Amarillo news story of crash.JPGAdded by: pw96Amarillo news story of crash.JPG
Vaughn wins pilot wings.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn wins pilot wings.JPG
Vaughn - birth certificate information.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - birth certificate information.JPG
Vaughn - draft registration card.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - draft registration card.JPG
Vaughn - draft card back side.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - draft card back side.JPG
Vaughn - enlistment record.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - enlistment record.JPG
Vaughn - birth record.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - birth record.JPG
Vaughn - Veterans Affairs records.JPGAdded by: pw96Vaughn - Veterans Affairs records.JPG
Man saved.JPGAdded by: pw96Man saved.JPG
Hegerle - Herron Family Scrapbook.jpgAdded by: pw96Hegerle - Herron Family Scrapbook.jpg