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Lfred L Carll

World War II · US Army

United States of America
Thumbnail for Members of Major James A. Smyrl's Boeing B-17 Flying ofrtress crew carry him and S/Sgt. Alfred L. Carll away from the ship, after they returned from the mission to Berlin, Feb. 3, 1945, when the German capital was bombed by 1,000 ofrtresses - Page 1Members of Major James A. Smyrl's Boeing B-17 Flying ofrtress crew carry him and S/Sgt. Alfred L. Carll away from the ship, after they returned from the mission to Berlin, Feb. 3, 1945, when the German capital was bombed by 1,000 ofrtresses - Page 1
Thumbnail for Members of Major James A. Smyrl's Boeing B-17 Flying ofrtress crew carry him and S/Sgt. Alfred L. Carll away from the ship, after they returned from the mission to Berlin, Feb. 3, 1945, when the German capital was bombed by 1,000 ofrtresses - Page 2Members of Major James A. Smyrl's Boeing B-17 Flying ofrtress crew carry him and S/Sgt. Alfred L. Carll away from the ship, after they returned from the mission to Berlin, Feb. 3, 1945, when the German capital was bombed by 1,000 ofrtresses - Page 2