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Donald S Johnson

Don Johnson Cubs.JPGAdded by: bruceyrock632Don Johnson Cubs.JPG
Stan Hack, Bill Nicholson, John P. Carmichael and Don Johnson.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Stan Hack, Bill Nicholson, John P. Carmichael and Don Johnson.jpg
Cubs.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Cubs.jpg
1945ChicagoCubs.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock6321945ChicagoCubs.jpg
Bill Nicholson, Andy Pafko, Phil Cavarretta, Peanuts Lowrey, Don Johnson, Stan Hack.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Bill Nicholson, Andy Pafko, Phil Cavarretta, Peanuts Lowrey, Don Johnson, Stan Hack.jpg
Fans outside Wrigley Field for 1945 World Series game..jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Fans outside Wrigley Field for 1945 World Series game..jpg
NewBrewerFaces_Johnson.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632NewBrewerFaces_Johnson.jpg
1945wsprogram Cubs.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock6321945wsprogram Cubs.jpg
Wrigley.gifAdded by: bruceyrock632Wrigley.gif