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Clarence Ellsworth Weible

World War II · US Army · Staff Sergeant

Rank: Staff Sergeant
United States of America
Fred & Clarence Weible (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence E. Weible (left) with his brother Frederick J. Weible in an undated photograph (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible circa November 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible at a stateside installation circa November 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Ellsworth Weible (Courtesy of the Delaware Public Archives).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Ellsworth Weible (Courtesy of the Delaware Public Archives)
Clarence Weible Collection in front of the 306th Infantry Regiment headquarters (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible in front of the 306th Infantry Regiment headquarters (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible and his sister Ethel circa November 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible and his sister Ethel circa November 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence and Hazel Weible at their wedding on August 16, 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence and and his wife Hazel at their wedding on August 16, 1942 (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible in a stateside photograph (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible in a stateside photograph (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible with jeep (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible with jeep, date and location unknown (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Japanese suicide boats on Okinawa (U.S.M.C. photo, National Archives).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanThe Kerama Islands hosted “suicide boat” bases similar to this one on nearby Okinawa (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Corporal A. Sarno, National Archives)
The U.S. fleet off Okinawa seen in this April 2, 1945 photo entitled “The Power and the Glory” (U.S. Coast Guard photo, National Archives).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanThe U.S. fleet off Okinawa seen in this April 2, 1945 photo entitled “The Power and the Glory” (U.S. Coast Guard photo, National Archives)
Ie Shima seen in an April 15, 1945 aerial photograph (Collection of Admiral H.W. Hill via Naval History and Heritage Command).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanIe Shima seen in an April 15, 1945 aerial photograph (Collection of Admiral H.W. Hill via Naval History and Heritage Command)
April 16, 1945 photo of the bombardment of Ie Shima (National Archives via Naval History and Heritage Command).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanApril 16, 1945 photo of the bombardment of Ie Shima (National Archives via Naval History and Heritage Command)
An April 13, 1945 photo of a beachhead on Okinawa (U.S. Coast Guard photo, National Archives).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanAn April 13, 1945 photo of a beachhead on Okinawa (U.S. Coast Guard photo, National Archives)
Clarence Weible's April 28, 1945 V-mail to his sister-in-law (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible's April 28, 1945 V-mail to his sister-in-law (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
77th Infantry Division Cemetery on Okinawa (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilverman77th Infantry Division cemetery on Okinawa (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible's temporary grave on Okinawa (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible's temporary grave on Okinawa (Courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Frederick Weible receiving Clarence's Bronze Star Medal (U.S. Army photo courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanFrederick Weible (accompanied by his wife Edna) receiving Clarence's Bronze Star Medal from Major General Robert B. McClure (U.S. Army photo courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)
Clarence Weible awards presented posthumously to his family (U.S. Army photo courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes).jpgAdded by: LowellSilvermanClarence Weible awards presented posthumously to his family (U.S. Army photo courtesy of Sandra Weible Beakes)