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Robert L Edgeworth

Other Service · US Army

United States of America
Edgeworth, Robert LEdgeworth, Robert L
american-flag-e1429595287831.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632american-flag-e1429595287831.jpg
post-9487-0-32078500-1396386994.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632post-9487-0-32078500-1396386994.jpg
United Indian War Veterans.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632United Indian War Veterans.jpg
7th Inf.JPGAdded by: bruceyrock6327th Inf.JPG
Big Hole Monument.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Big Hole Monument.jpg
Big Hole Cannon.JPGAdded by: bruceyrock632Big Hole Cannon.JPG