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Charles W Rundle

Civil War (Union) · US Army

United States of America
Rundle, Charles WRundle, Charles W
Medal Of Honor.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Medal Of Honor.jpg
Charles W. Rundle, Medal of Honor, obverse.JPGAdded by: LastFullMeasureCharles W. Rundle, Medal of Honor, obverse
Rundle, Charles W - Page 1sameperson
Rundle Charles head and shoulder.jpgAdded by: billybob2020Rundle Charles head and shoulder.jpg
West Side.jpegAdded by: billybob2020West Side side of Veterans Monument in the Orchard Mesa Cemetery in Grand Junction, Colorado, May 25, 2019 by Legion of West, # 7, Department of CO/WY, SUVCW.
medel of honor backside.jpgAdded by: billybob2020back side of Charles W. Rundle Medal of Honor.
Rundle Medal of Honor orginial.jpegAdded by: billybob2020Rundle Medal of Honor orginial.jpeg
Rundle Charles MOH Cert Penison.jpgAdded by: billybob2020Rundle Charles MOH Cert Penison.jpg
Rundle Shellie s.jpgAdded by: billybob2020Charles W.& Hettie son Shellie grave in the Orchard Mesa Cemetery, Grand Junction, Colorado.