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Maurice Esters

World War II · US Army · First Lieutenant

Rank: First Lieutenant
United States of America
Maurice EstersAdded by: Spirit_of_45Maurice Esters
Maurice as US AAC Lt.jpgAdded by: michaelesters998Maurice as US AAC Lt.jpg
Esters, Maurice Vincent - Page 1Esters, Maurice Vincent - Page 1
signIAwelcome.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632signIAwelcome.jpg
card00675_fr.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632card00675_fr.jpg
Iowa.pngAdded by: bruceyrock632Iowa.png
Aviator Badge.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Aviator Badge.jpg
Tuskegee AirmenAdded by: bruceyrock632Tuskegee Airmen