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Joseph Kuharich (1917)

World War II

United States of America
chi-generic-images-notre-dame.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632chi-generic-images-notre-dame.jpg
Joe Kuharich.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Joe Kuharich.jpg
Chicago Cardinals logo.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Chicago Cardinals logo.jpg
1959-(Terry-Brennan-George-Izo-Joe-Kuharich).jpgAdded by: bruceyrock6321959-(Terry-Brennan-George-Izo-Joe-Kuharich).jpg
Eagles PH.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Eagles PH.jpg
Joe Kuharich smiling over new contract given to him by new Eagles owner Jerry Wolman. VP Ed Snider in the background.jpgAdded by: bruceyrock632Joe Kuharich smiling over new contract given to him by new Eagles owner Jerry Wolman. VP Ed Snider in the background.jpg