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Doyle H Davis

World War II · US Marine Corps · Master Sergeant

Rank: Master Sergeant
United States of America
davis doyle h gravesite 1994.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdavis doyle h gravesite 1994.jpg
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daddy with Pretty Boy and Marc in the buggy.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdaddy with Pretty Boy and Marc in the buggy.jpg
daddy.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdaddy.jpg
davis doyle h gravesite 1994.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdavis doyle h gravesite 1994.jpg
D H riding Poco Soldier Boy.jpgAdded by: ritadavisD H riding Poco Soldier Boy.jpg
Davis D H Army promotion to E80001.jpgAdded by: ritadavisDavis D H Army promotion to E80001.jpg
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davis d h in the soloman islands on horse 1944.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdavis d h in the soloman islands on horse 1944.jpg
davis doyle h 12 sep 1942.jpgAdded by: ritadavisdavis doyle h 12 sep 1942.jpg