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Oscar L Belser

World War II

United States of America
321st Patch.JPGAdded by: PattiJohnson299321st Patch.JPG
446th Patch.JPGAdded by: PattiJohnson299446th Patch.JPG
Belser, Oscar L._Odessa American_TX_Tues_30 Nov 1943_Pg 1.JPGAdded by: PattiJohnson299Belser, Oscar L._Odessa American_TX_Tues_30 Nov 1943_Pg 1.JPG
Texas - Page 73Texas - Page 73
Missing Aircrew Report-1.pngAdded by: chiefhumeMissing Aircrew Report-1.png
Missing Aircrew Report-2.pngAdded by: chiefhumeMissing Aircrew Report-2.png
WW II Draft Age 23.jpgAdded by: chiefhumeWW II Draft Age 23.jpg
WW II Draft Back.jpgAdded by: chiefhumeWW II Draft Back.jpg
Shreveport Journal 5-1-1943.pngAdded by: chiefhumeShreveport Journal 5-1-1943.png