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Andrew T. Honeycutt

World War II · US Army · Staff Sergeant

Rank: Staff Sergeant
United States of America
Andrew T HoneycuttAdded by: selandscape657Andrew T Honeycutt
unnamed.jpgAdded by: selandscape657unnamed.jpg
Lindahl.jpgAdded by: selandscape657Lindahl.jpg
8th Army Air Force shoulder patch.jpgAdded by: millebr8th Army Air Force shoulder patch.jpg
388th Bombardment Group, Heavy patch.jpgAdded by: millebr388th Bombardment Group, Heavy patch.jpg
563rd Bombardment Squadron, Heavy patch.jpgAdded by: millebr563rd Bombardment Squadron, Heavy patch.jpg
Cock O' The Walk B-17 Flying Fortress, 388th Bomb Group.jpgAdded by: millebrCock O' The Walk B-17 Flying Fortress, 388th Bomb Group.jpg
lester personeus bg1.jpgAdded by: treebz65lester personeus bg1.jpg