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Boxer Rebellion


3M+ records

Ireland, Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, Pensioners' Discharge Documents, 1704-1924
Pensioners' certificates from the Royal Kilmainham Hospital in Ireland.
100% complete
UK, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages and Burials in UK and Overseas Garrisons, 1813-1957
This collection contains registrations of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, banns, and burials for individuals who served in the British military, including those stationed overseas. This collection is unique in that the original records were recorded by military chaplains. Because of this, the collection combines the level of detail you find in parish records with the uniformity of civil registrations.
100% complete
UK, Courts Martial Registers, 1806-1930
Various UK naval and military courts martial registers, including records from Naval, Field General, Military, District and General Courts.
100% complete
UK, Household Cavalry Service Records, 1799-1920
UK, Household Cavalry soldiers' service records 1799-1920.
50% complete
UK, Military Deserters, 1812-1927
Lists of UK deserters from 1812 to 1927.
100% complete
UK, Militia Attestation Papers, 1806-1915
UK, Militia Attestation Papers 1806-1915
100% complete
UK, Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Admission and Discharge Records, 1715-1925
Contains registers from the Royal Hospital Chelsea of discharged soldiers.
100% complete
UK, Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers, 1914-1918
This collection includes full colour images of the original ledger pages
UK, Royal Navy Patrol Service Officers' Service Cards, 1904-1970
This collection contains records for those who served in the Royal Navy Patrol Service from 1904-1970. Records in this collection are Royal Navy Continuous Record cards, which were updated throughout the serviceman’s naval career. Records are handwritten in ledgers and organised by function and service number.
100% complete
UK, Second Boer War, Imperial Yeomanry Service Records, 1899-1902
Imperial Yeomanry, Soldiers' Documents, South African War.
100% complete
UK, British Army Records of Officers' Services, 1764-1932
UK, Records of Officers' Services 1764-1932
100% complete