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Kentucky 26th Volunteer Infantry (Union)


Organized - Kentucky 26th Volunteer Infantry - Kentucky


Battle - Shiloh - Hardin County, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Shiloh

On the morning of April 6, 1862, 40,000 Confederate soldiers under the command of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston poured out of the nearby woods and struck the encamped divisions of Union soldiers occupying ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Stephen G. Burbridge


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Horatio P. Van Cleve

Brigadier GeneralHoratio P. Van Cleve


Battle - Siege of Corinth - Corinth, Mississippi

Thumbnail for Siege of Corinth
Siege of Corinth

Union forces had captured the railroad junction and important transportation center at Corinth, Mississippi in the spring of 1862 after their victory at Shiloh. After the Battle of Iuka in September, Maj. Gen. Sterling Price's Confederate Army of the West marched to Ripley, Mississippi where it joined Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn's Army of West Tennessee. Van Dorn took command of the combined force numbering about 22,000 men. The Rebels marched southeast toward Corinth, hoping to recapture it and then sweep int…READ MORE


Battle - Russellville, Kentucky


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Cicero Maxwell


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Pierce Butler Hawkins


Leadership Change - Division - undefined 18 guns k-0 w-0 m-0 = 0, and Brigadier General Horatio Phillips Van Cleve


Battle - Perryville - Perryville, Kentucky

Thumbnail for Perryville

On October 7, 1862, Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio, in pursuit of Gen Braxton Bragg's Army of Mississippi, approached the crossroads town of Perryville, Kentucky. Union forces skirmished with Confederates on the Springfield Pike before heavy fighting began on Peters Hill. The next day, fighting continued as a Union division advanced up the pike. After noon, a Confederate division struck the Union left flank and forced it to fall back. When more Confederates joined the fray, the Union line ma…READ MORE


Battle - Saltville - Saltville, Virginia

Thumbnail for Saltville

Salt was a crucial resource during the Civil War. It not only preserved food in the days before refrigeration, but was also vital in the curing of leather. Control or destruction of the South's most important salt production facilities was critical to the Union war effort. In early October 1864, coincident with Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan's burning of the Shenandoah Valley, Union cavalry and infantry raiders led by Brig. Gen. Stephen G. Burbridge attempted to destroy the Confederate saltworks near Saltville in…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Joseph A. Cooper

Brigadier GeneralJoseph A. Cooper


Leadership Change - Division - Major General Darius N. Couch

Major GeneralDarius N. Couch


Battle - Nashville - Nashville, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Nashville

Despite a series of defeats in the closing days of November, 1864, Confederate Lieut. Gen. John Bell Hood continued to drag his bloodied Army of Tennessee, approximately 30,000 strong, north towards Nashville. The city was protected by 55,000 Union soldiers, which should have precluded further offensive operations, but Hood was determined and his situation was dire. Hood reached Nashville on December 2nd and staked out a position south of the city, hoping to draw the Union forces into a costly attack. Ulys…READ MORE


Battle - Wilmington - Wilmington, North Carolina


Mustered Out - Kentucky 26th Volunteer Infantry - Kentucky

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