ear here lie 9 American Airmen, crew of a photo recon B24. Families of the missing we're never told the wreck of the plane that vanished in 1944 was found in 1947 by an Australian team led by the gallant Sq Ldr Keith Rundell. Found the wreck,found two sets of remains, evidence 2 crew decapitated after capture, 2 remains now reside in American Cem. Manila. Pilot Harms has a mem site in fold 3, I have yet to see it. His former widow Mrs. Geer passed in2010 . She had 2 sons with Royce Harms, and 2 more children when remarried. Harm's sons live in Miss. and Va. I earnestly ask for guidance, should those men and their sons be informed now? Will the Austrlian govt. help me find Rundell's official report. These were Extraordinary men. In the last 4 days of their lives flew 3 missions of 12-15 hrs each, 1200 NM each. From the 4th they did not return. Join me in closing with words to a plaintive Bugle Call. It has always given me a moment of Peace: Day is done! Gone the sun.....All is well, sa
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