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Key Nazi Personalities in the Camp System

Arthur Greiser Gauleiter of the Warthegau

Arthur Nebe

Rudolf Höss Commandant of Auschwitz

Theodor Eicke "Papa Eicke" of the Concentration Camps

Ante Pavelic Head of the Independent State of Croatia

Key Nazi Personalities

Paul Joseph Goebbels

Albert Speer

Raoul Wallenberg

Ludwig Müller

Story date: 1933

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Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski

Ludwig Beck

Herbert Backe

Werner von Blomberg

Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg

Richard Walther Darré

Sepp Dietrich

Hermann Göring

Alfred Jodl

Ernst Kaltenbrunner

Friedrich Wilhelm Karl

Friedrich-Wilhelm Karl

Wilhelm Keitel

Bruno Loerzer

Erich Raeder

Fritz Todt

Martin Bormann

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Otto Meißner

Konstantin von Neurath

Joachim von Ribbentrop

Alfred Rosenberg

Fritz Sauckel

Hjalmar Schacht

SS officer, Kurt Gerstein