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Joseph M Rodgers Jr

World War II · US Army · Major

Rank: Major
United States of America
Thumbnail for Joseph Rodgers self portrait sm.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGJoseph Rodgers self portrait sm.jpg
Thumbnail for Pentagon painting.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGThis painting by Joseph Rodgers hangs in the Pentagon.
Thumbnail for Joseph Mains Rodgers.JPGAdded by: 92ndBGJoseph Mains Rodgers memorial listing grave site at Arlington National cemetery. Though he died in November of 2006, his ashes were just recently interred at Arlington on November 15, 2013.
Thumbnail for Joseph Rodgers.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGPhoto taken with Lead Crew 23-June-1944
Thumbnail for Crew Photo Page 1.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGLead Crew Photo. Joseph Rodgers is front row far right.
Thumbnail for 92nd backgrnd.jpgAdded by: 92ndBG92nd backgrnd.jpg
Thumbnail for Joseph M.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGLt Joseph M Rodgers, photo taken with the Patrich crew
Thumbnail for Lt Patrich crew.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGLt Patrich crew photo, Joseph Rodgers is on the far right of the back row.
Thumbnail for 92nd DI lg.jpgAdded by: 92ndBG92nd DI lg.jpg
Thumbnail for List of Missions (Kleinsorg) Rodgers flew with Kleinsorg.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGList of Missions (Kleinsorg) Rodgers flew with Kleinsorg.jpg
Thumbnail for map to Pyote AAB drawn by Rodgers 50.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGmap to Pyote AAB drawn by Rodgers 50.jpg
Thumbnail for painting of Jack Kleinsorg by Rodgers 50.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGpainting of Jack Kleinsorg by Rodgers 50.jpg
Thumbnail for snapshots of Rodgers with Kleinsorg (off duty) 50.jpgAdded by: 92ndBGsnapshots of Rodgers with Kleinsorg (off duty) 50.jpg
Thumbnail for Rodgers Tombstone Arlington.JPGAdded by: 92ndBGRodgers Tombstone Arlington.JPG
Thumbnail for Rodgers Tombstone Arlington.JPGAdded by: 92ndBGRodgers Tombstone Arlington.JPG
Thumbnail for 8th Army Air Force shoulder patch.jpgAdded by: millebr8th Army Air Force shoulder patch.jpg
Thumbnail for 407th Bombardment Squadron patch.jpegAdded by: millebr407th Bombardment Squadron patch.jpeg