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Lysander S Ingraham

Civil War (Union) · US Army

United States of America
Thumbnail for Ingraham, LysanderThis is the 1860 Federal Census for Flowerfield Township, Saint Joseph County, Michigan. It shows Lysander as living with his brother Milo and his family; also on this census page is Betsy (Day) Ingraham, Lysander and Milo's mother. Lysander was the youngest of her children.
Thumbnail for Ingraham, Lysander S.War Pension card, showing two applications against Lysander's Civil War service pension. First: 'invalid', presumeably due to 'disease contracted while in the Army', which would cause his death; Second: by his widow upon that death on 05 Aug 1886.
Thumbnail for Ingram, Lysander S - Page 1Ingram, Lysander S - Page 1